Mircea Lungu

Analytics for Software Ecosystems
“No man is an island entire of itself” are the famous words of the english poet John Donne. I will show in my talk that neither are software systems, but instead I will show how they are part of larger inter-dependence networks that are called software ecosystems where they exist and co-evolve. We will look at how the techniques and tools of software analytics can be applied to software ecosystems for fun and profit.
Speaker's Bio
Mircea Lungu is associate professor in the Computer Science department of ITU. Before moving to Denmark he was assistant professor in Computer Science at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of University of Groningen where he was a member of the SEARCH team and also me in the DSSC pioneers group. He was also part time visiting researcher in the SWAT group at CWI in Amsterdam, a postdoc at the University of Bern, and a co-op researcher at IBM TJ Watson Research Center. He got his PhD working with Michele Lanza at the University of Lugano, in Switzerland. See more at his website.

Massimiliano Di Penta

Beyond Mining Software Repositories
This tutorial starts by exploring the different sources of information a research can have access when observing a software process or product. Assuming that the audience is already familiar with the analysis of data from versioning systems, the tutorial overviews how to practically mine and combine different sources of information, what are the techniques and tool that can be leveraged, and what are the risks and challenges in doing that. Then, the tutorial will provide an overview of application areas of mining software repositories, including building defect prediction datasets and models, and creating recommender systems. Finally, the tutorial will outline the "key ingredients" of mining software repositories. These are not limited to "showing up muscles" by doing analyses in-the-large, but include the need for deeper, qualitative analyses of obtained results.
Speaker's Bio
Massimiliano Di Penta is an associate professor at the University of Sannio, Italy. His research interests include software maintenance and evolution, mining software repositories, empirical software engineering, search-based software engineering, and testing. He is author of over 270 papers appeared in international journals, conferences, and workshops, and received various awards for his research and reviewing activity, including four most influential paper awards (SANER 2019, CASCON 2018, SANER 2017 and GECCO 2015) and three ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards (ICSE, FSE and ASE). He serves (and has served) the organizing and program committees of over 100 conferences such as ICSE, FSE, ASE, ICSME, ICST, MSR, SANER, ICPC, GECCO, WCRE, and others. He has served as program co-chair of conferences including ASE, ICSME, MSR, SANER, and ICPC. He is currently a member of the steering committee of ASE and ESEC-FSE. Previously, he has been steering committee member of other conferences, including ICSME, MSR, PROMISE, ICPC, SSBSE, CSMR, SCAM, and WCRE. He is in the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, the Empirical Software Engineering Journal edited by Springer, and of the Journal of Software: Evolution and Processes edited by Wiley. He has served the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
Further information on his research can be found at the following links:
Google Scholar Page: Massimiliano Di Penta on Scholar
DBLP Page: Massimiliano Di Penta on DBLP

Diomidis Spinellis

Analysis of software evolution with Git
Git repositories are an important source of software evolution data. Running the Git command-line tool and processing its output with other Unix tools allows the incremental construction of sophisticated data processing pipelines. Git data analytics on the command-line can be systematically presented through a pattern that involves fetching, selection, processing, summarization, and reporting. For each part of the processing pipeline, we will examine the tools and techniques that can be most effectively used to perform the task at hand. The presented techniques can be easily applied, first to get a feeling of software evolution at hand and then also for extracting empirical results. Over the course we will see how these techniques have been used to answer research questions, and we will also apply them to see them work in practice.
Speaker's Bio
Diomidis Spinellis is Professor and Head of the Department of Management Science and Technology of the Athens University of Economics and Business, and director of the Business Analytics Laboratory (BALab). See more at his website.

Anne Etien

Software analysis with Moose.
Software maintenance is a long and expensive task. Indeed, if we consider that we need 2 seconds to read a line of code, we need 3,5 month to read 1 million lines of code. And we have only read the code without understanding the software architecture, the interactions between elements, or identifying god classes, dead code, or used deprecated code. To do it efficiently, we need tools. In this tutorial, I propose to use the Moose meta-platform and metamodels to analyse a software legacy system.
Speaker's Bio
Anne Etien is associate professor at the University of Lille (France). She got a PhD in Computer engineering in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Colette Rolland and Camille Salinesi. She is currently working on software system maintenance, analysis and evolution in the RMod team (CRIStAL/Inria Lab). Homepage
